Krim Mercator: Radosavljević, Stanko 4, Sercien Ugolin 1, Pineau, Žabjek, van Kreij, Arenhart, Posavec 1, Klemenčič, Ljepoja 1, Varagić 4, Krpež Šlezak 1, Brnović 1, Risović, Gros 8, Lekić 4.
Vipers: Pedersen, Dahlum, Mork 5, Waade, Gullden 4, Hoeve, Lunde, Tchaptchet Defo 1, Dahl 3, Tomac, Tomori, Yttereng, Naes Andersen 4, Debelić 8, Knedlikova 3, Jerabkova 4.
7-meters: Krim Mercator 4 (3), Vipers 3 (2)
Suspensions (2 min): Krim Mercator 4 minutes, Vipers 4 minutes
Nataša Derepasko, coach of RK Krim Mercator: “First of all, I would like to thank the Vipers team for a great match and an exceptional fight. I don’t think our game in defense was bad at first, but we made too many mistakes nonetheless. In the second half, we could not stop Ana Debelić, and we did not put together a defense. At least the attack ran off for us somehow. We have another 60 minutes of the match in Norway. We will fight to the end and then see what it will bring us.”
Ana Gros, handball player of RK Krim Mercator: “We definitely lost too many balls in the match, which we should not be able to afford at this level. I’m sorry the difference is like that. We are aware that a difficult task awaits us in Norway, but anything is possible. We won’t throw the rifle in the corn yet! “