The current European champions were too strong

Unfortunately, Krim Mercator's handball players did not succeed against Vipers Kristiansand for the tenth time in a row. The current European champions were better in the 13th round of the EHF Champions League with a final score of 36:31. There is only one more chance for the Krim to break through to the continuation of the most elite European club competition. On Sunday, February 12, at 2 p.m. in Arena Stožice.
Vipers (NOR) : Krim Mercator 36:31 (20:15)
Saturday, 4 February, AT 16:00, Aquarama Kristiansand, 1583 spectators
Referees: Georgi Doychinov, Yulian Goretsov (Bulgaria); Delegate: Gudjlon L. Sigurdsson (Iceland)
Vipers: Börjesson, Sercien Ugolin 1, Andersen, Dahlum, Roberts 7, Waade, Vyakhireva 8, Høve, Lunde, Hesselberg 1, Tchaptchet Defo, Valle Dahl 3, Næs Andersen 4, Debelić, Knedlikova 4, Jeřábková 8.
Krim Mercator: Radosavljević 4, Jurič, Radičević 4, Stanko 4, Abina 2, Žabjek, Dmitrieva 3, Arenhart, Klemenčič 3, Ljepoja 2, Varagić 3, Ngombele, Lazović 3, Risović, Rosiak 3, Svetik.
Penalties (7-meters): Vipers 6 (3), Krim Mercator 8 (5)
Suspensions: Vipers 10 minutes, Krim Mercator 6 minutes
Dragan Adžić, trener RK Krim Mercator: »Ekipa Vipersa Kristiansanda je izvrstna napadalna ekipa, ki ji nismo mogli konkurirati. Imeli smo veliko težav z igro v obrambi. Zagotovo je bilo tudi nekaj pozitivnih stvari. Prepričan sem, da se bomo zbrali in proti CSM Bucaresti odigrali najboljšo tekmo v tej sezoni.«
Tjaša Stanko, rokometašica RK Krim Mercator: »Žal smo tekmo izgubile in točki ostajata na Norveškem. V obrambi enostavno nismo našle rešitev za Vipers, ki kot evropski prvak napada odlično. Časa za razmislek zdaj ni veliko. V ponedeljek se začenjajo priprave na tekmo s CSM Bucuresti in verjamem v ekipo, da si lahko doma priigramo zmago!«