Double domestic crown for Krim Mercator

Before the official end of the 2022/2023 season, the players of Krim Mercator won the double crown in the domestic competitions. They won both the national championship and the cup competition.
ŽRK Z'dežele - Krim Mercator 22:28 (11:17)
petek, 28. april, ob 19.00, ŠD Golovec, 60 gledalcev
Sodnika: Miran Teršek, Aljoša Žibret; Delegat: Marjan Frelih
Z'dežele: Bon Brzin 3, Regner 5, Tripkovič, Pišek 3, Artelj 2, Dobnik 1, Meža, Zulić 4, Čerenjak, Bukovec 1, Strnad Zelen 3.
Krim Mercator: Abina 4, Žabjek, Dmitrieva 7, Arenhart, Klemenčič, Ljepoja 1, Varagić 3, Ngombele 2, Kovarova 3, Rosiak 3, Marković 4, Svetik 1.
7-metrovke: Z'dežele 1 (0), Krim Mercator 8 (6)
Izključitve: Z'dežele 6 minut, Krim Mercator 8 minut

At the Final 4 tournament of the cup competition, which took place in Ajdovščina this year, Dragan Adžić‘s teams first defeated the visiting team in the semi-finals (30:20), and in the final, they were convincing against Izola with a final score of 30:18. It was the 28th trophy in the club’s history.

The 28th championship in history was also won by the team from Ljubljana in the national championship – three games before the official end of the season. The Tigresses will receive the trophy and medals at home on Friday, 19 May, when they host Z’dežele in Stožice.